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Engineering an Online Strategy for Students

How search enables students to create a unique path to enrolment.

The student decision journey.

We already know the student decision journey has moved online, with the increase of people using mobile devices and using social media. A Google and Compete study found that 1 in 10 potential students search exclusively online for university classes and courses, while 9 in 10 enrolled students have used the internet to research colleges and universities. Although it’s difficult to predict how the education landscape will evolve with the changes in technology, it’s clear that the internet will continue to play a prominent place with online student recruitment for both FE and HE education. The question is: How do students use online search to choose their college or university?


Linear pathway.

As people are no longer following a linear path from awareness to consideration to the application process, along with the constant turning to devices to get immediate answers. Marketers need to reach students through the right channels. A strong, consistent and updated online presence has the ability to engage prospective students in the right mindsets. It gives them the opportunity to experience all the great things each school has to offer

Education is one of the most important decisions a young person will do and will one that requires many different touch points along the way. Potential students often turn to multiple online resources in order to reach a decision, such as the official university websites, university ranking websites, student online forums and universities’ own social media. In many cases, these are considered more important than other offline resources.



Having a cross-device strategy is crucial. Half of all prospective students use mobile devices, mainly laptops, and smartphones, to research higher education institutions. Colleges and universities need to optimise their mobile websites with content tailored for students and take advantage of new advertising technologies so that mobile users will be able to reach them effectively and efficiently.

Digital provides the ability to easily and succinctly convey information which then provides depth to that conversation. It is true that people respond to brands that understand their needs. By taking full advantage of digital tools to tailor their messages, colleges and universities can leverage the power of video and imagery to shape perceptions and deliver content that’s right for the students’ devices and their journey to the decision. Ultimately, it means institutions can focus on directly engaging the prospects who are most likely to become their next success stories.


Speak to us.

Digital student recruitment needs to be engineered. It is bespoke and personal to a university or college’s value proposition. Speak to Crunch about the digital possibilities to blend with an out of home campaign email sayhello@crunchsimplydigital.com