Read the latest insights below from Head of Growth, Josh Tumbridge

He delves deep into the current employment landscape, as well as the the latest learnings and trends to come out of the sector.

Is using a multi-channel strategy in recruitment effective? How can talent attraction utilise media for better engagement and deliver quality applications? 

We see it all the time, several job roles hit the recruitment team and the automatic button gets pressed. A job post goes live, a LinkedIn update here or there and we’re straight into the reactive world of recruitment marketing!  

Unless a candidate is actively searching for new opportunities and using these channels, we know that our wider talent pool will be in a passive mindset, and we’ve missed that opportunity to attract or nurture them to a point of application.  

You want things to change but how? A multi-channel approach, which integrates both digital and more traditional talent attraction methods, ensures a broader reach and a more effective talent attraction process and here are the reasons why. 

Create Familiarity:  Establish trust and recognition  

Put yourself in a potential candidate’s shoes. You’re considering your career options, actively looking to the job market for future opportunities and then that one organisation you’ve seen in your TikTok & Instagram feed comes to mind and you visit the careers site.  

By being present when that candidate was in a passive mindset and leveraging your employer brand, you will be attracting talent when they transition into an active job hunt. Familiarity will build trust and recognition but must be maintained.  

Diversify your channels: Broaden your reach 

Each channel comes with its own targeting capabilities and function in the user journey. Different audiences tend to prefer different platforms and each platform gives you varying media types to engage your target market. From high-impact video to audio ads, you can deploy a wealth of content to attract, engage and convert. 

For instance, LinkedIn is ideal for engaging with candidates using more formal, written content through Message Ads. Alternatively, using platforms like Instagram, YouTube and TikTok with short, and immersive videos can engage potential candidates, showcasing your employer brand and raising the business profile.  

Alternatively, consider Google. The platform processes approximately 99,000 search queries every second so making sure you’re targeting key job role keywords will put you one step ahead of your competitors – as well as capturing an audience actively searching for a new role.  

Be Consistent: The journey never stops 

When looking to drive users to an application, we need to remember that one touchpoint is never enough and if we look past a reactive approach with a single ‘Apply Now’ call to action, using multiple channels to retarget & re-engage candidates means that your recruitment advertising doesn’t get forgotten about amongst the noise. Often, candidates may need up to 8 separate touchpoints to go through to application.  

Each digital platform comes with their own retargeting opportunities. Facebook will allow you to re-engage video content viewers, whilst using LinkedIn you can retarget anyone who has visited your careers site but may not have applied. Layering multiple channels with tactical messaging will communicate your company’s “give & the get” and allow you to retarget & re-engage candidates, keeping them warm and ultimately driving applications.  

Key Takeaways: 

  1. Stay familiar: use media to establish brand recognition 
  1. Diversify your channels: utilise different platforms to deliver content 
  1. Consistent messaging: leverage your online engagement & traffic 

Crunch Media are an award-winning specialist media agency, dedicated to the recruitment industry helping businesses deliver effective media campaigns for talent attraction.

We’re always happy to talk about our recruitment advertising services and solutions. If the above has sparked your interest, get in touch! Or if you’d prefer, drop us an email at