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WhatsApp Business: The Untapped CRM and Revenue Goldmine

The modern way of improving CRM without teething problems.

CRM and e-commerce.

What if there was a way for your business to revamp its CRM and improve digital e-commerce performance, all within one familiar, free integrated offering? The answer is WhatsApp Business. WhatsApp Business is the perfect channel for SMEs to deal with customer requests and orders when out of the office, handle prospects by label and create automated greetings and responses. Also, larger organisations with numerous locations and business landlines would benefit from WhatsApp Business API, to isolate marcomms by department and create messaging templates from scratch in addition to the standard version.

The uniqueness of WhatsApp Company is its modern way of improving CRM without teething problems. It provides the opportunity to communicate naturally and alert consumers in real-time with push notifications by fostering a 2-way conversation on an app with 1.5bn users through direct messaging, voice notes and media. Also, users must opt-in to talk to your organisation, which means that the inefficient targeting of consumers becomes a distant memory. Instead of the other way around, inviting customers to come to you improves interaction and creates a genuine B2C/C2B relationship to create the perfect first impression for your business. Examples include Absolut Vodka and encouraging user-generated content to increase sales and engagement, along with Atlético Madrid and KLM with their e-ticketing system.

For the most widely used messaging app in the UK, the need to train employees on a new system will not be necessary, saving time and money. Additionally, being owned by Facebook ensures the platform is in good hands with future analytical capabilities and consumer profiling, with a basic analytical package of messages read, delivered, sent and received readily available for free, perfect for SMEs.

In summary, WhatsApp business is the happy medium between email and phone calls, offering a more interpersonal e-commerce experience, while streamlining the cost of CRM and lead generation. WhatsApp Business is the way to go, and it’s here to stay.

With the need to do far more, with far less there has never been a better time to explore the opportunities that digital provides. If you’d like more information about running a campaign, drop us a line sayhello@crunchdigitalmedia.com